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Tomato Harzer Kind (seeds)
Type: stake tomato
Fruit type: salad tomato
Height: 2.00 m (determined)
Original origin: Germany (GDR)
Fruit ripeness: medium
Taste: fruity, juicy, very little acid, lots of jelly, firm flesh
Outdoor/pot/tub/balcony without roof: yes
Seed year: 2024
Variety video available: yes

The Harzer Kind tomato is a traditional variety that was bred by Paul Vogel in the former GDR at the Institute for Plant Breeding in Quedlinburg. This tomato is on the red list of endangered crop varieties; more information can be foundhere .

This special tomato variety is characterized by its fruity , juicy taste. With a pleasant sweetness and only a little acidity, it is a real treat for lovers of mild tomatoes. The firm, crisp flesh ensures an outstanding consistency.

The Harzer Kind tomato is not only a highlight in terms of taste, but also extremely productive . The tomatoes ripen on panicles from top to bottom, which enables an even harvest . The robust plant can be grown with two shoots and requires thinning. Due to the numerous and heavy fruits, both the plant and the panicles should be well supported to ensure their stability.

This variety not only brings excellent yields and a unique taste to the garden, but also preserves a piece of horticultural history. The Harzer Kind tomato is an excellent choice for anyone who values old tomato varieties that are worth preserving.

Harzer Kind (Seeds)

SKU: S-257
2,50 €Price

There are at least 10 seeds in a bag. The seeds are seed-stable and fermented.

  • Explanation of seed-bearing: HERE
  • Explanation of fermentation: HERE
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